Property Management Softwares To Increase Productivity.

Property Management Softwares To Increase Productivity.

Property managers are often responsible for handling multiple properties, some with multi-unit rentals. As the world has transitioned to being more technology-focused, products to help people access rental information online have replaced printed weekly adverts.

The experience hasn’t just become more technology-centered for renters. Software to make the headaches of managing multiple rental properties. Keeping insurance, vacancies, payments, tenant information, and even routine maintenance schedules become easy for managers when you’ve got one of these 7 property management software solutions designed with you in mind.

Follow along as we dive into what each of these software programs can do for you. Learn how difficult or user-friendly they are, and what you can expect to pay for them. Learn here which ones will handle the tasks you are most concerned with and begin trying them out. When you realize how much time they can save you, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do this sooner.

1) Appfolio Property Manager by Appfolio

You can run your office from anywhere, stay in contact with your team, and keep track of every unit you manage with ease. Whether you’re at home, at the beach, or on the way to a business meeting with a contractor.

 Check to see if rent is paid, what vacancies you have to offer, and which units are waiting on maintenance work. Your software will automatically charge the correct late fees when tenants log in to make a payment.

This is a software for property management that has true portability as well. Work on the run and utilize your time more efficiently. While you are showing an apartment to potential tenants, you can be collecting rent from 100 others.

Pros: Completely cloud-based with nothing to slow down your computers. They have a cellphone app version so that you can keep your office in your pocket wherever you go. Easily accept online payments and share documents with the team or clients.

Cons: Users review that Appfolio could use some updating and seems to be in the early stages of development with support not as readily available as they’d like.


$1.25 per unit, per month for residential usage

$1.50 for commercial units per month.

$1.25 for student housing units per month.

$.80 for community associations per month.

2) Property Operations Workspeed by MRI Software

MRI software has a solution for your needs. With a full deck of products to allow you to manage, organize, and handle the financial aspects of your business, it’s all at your fingertips. Have what you need at tax time with a click of your mouse.

Track expenditures and integrate the write-off amounts right into your tax reports. Never lose track of who has paid and who still owes ever again and when you need maintenance done, shoot your maintenance person a message instantly.

Pros: Integrated accounting management software that will help you with billing, changing rent due dates, and even changing contracts so that you can add or change break clauses in a contract. Automate rent increases over periods of years or months, integrate with your banking to disperse payments into multiple funds to suit your business needs.

Cons: Very little customization is available with this product.

Costs: There is no public price tag, you must contact them for pricing information.

Known for his amazing writing and technical blogging skills, Edward Thompson is the admin of the Techenger. Joined back in 2019, after moving from San Francisco to Chicago to switch from his role of staff writer to a guest blogger. Since then, he never looked back to his past. In nutshell, he is a tech enthusiast who loves to write, read, test, evaluate, and spread knowledge about the growing technology that surrounds mankind.

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