The Ultimate Guide On Starting A YouTube Channel In 2020

The Ultimate Guide On Starting A YouTube Channel In 2020

Starting a YouTube channel is very easy, but to achieve massive success and to get many views on YouTube videos, you need to take care of a few things before creating a channel. Furthermore, you can earn through YouTube. Thinking how? Well you answers can be found here! Selecting a specific topic in which the channel will focus on is the first step. It is, however, not necessary that you have to stick to only one problem on your channel. 

Have A Niche

You can upload videos related to different topics as well needed to starting a YouTube channel. It will tell you which theme is performing, and then you can select that topic as your niche. Having a niche is necessary if every video of the channel is based on a different subject; the user may get confused and won’t be subscribing to the channel. Look out for the topics by surfing throughout YouTube and by finding which one is performing well or select the subject in which you are highly interested.

Create Useful Content For Starting a New YouTube Channel

Every video you upload has to be unique as well as it should also be useful for viewers. While starting to make a video, you should have many ideas in which you want to make the video. Select the concept which you think can perform well on the channel or select the idea in which you have done proper research. If you are having difficulty in choosing the ideas, try searching for the keywords. 

Keywords play an essential role in social media. The information about the keywords which are highly being sought on the Internet can be found using websites and software. In this case, Google Keyword Planner is handy. It can give you a list of keywords that have been trending for the last few days. You can select the keyword which suits your topic and can make the video based on the keyword.

Watch Others And Learn

To be on the safer side, look out for other YouTube videos that are based on the topic you have chosen and see how the footage has performed. If the video does not have many views, it would be better not to take up that topic unless you are confident enough.

Create A YouTube Channel

Before starting a YouTube channel, Firstly we need to create the YouTube Channel. Go to YouTube’s homepage, and click on ‘SIGN IN’ located at the top right corner of the page. Sign in using your email id and password. Now, you are back to the YouTube homepage. Click on the profile picture of your account located at the top right corner. A drop-down list will appear. Now, click on ‘Create a channel’ and then click on ‘GET STARTED.’ You will be asked if you want to make an account using the name and picture of your Google account or using a custom name. You can choose the one you want, but it is preferable to go with the channel name which describes your YouTube Channel. 

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Connect Social Media Links

You will have the option to add links to your sites. Connecting all your social media accounts with your YouTube Channel by adding the links will enable your subscribers to contact you quickly. Within a few more steps, you will be having your own YouTube Channel. Once your YouTube channel is created, go to the homepage of your YouTube channel. 

Make sure you have a good profile picture related to the topic of your website. Add a suitable banner or cover picture to the channel which describes your channel. It is good to have a description of your channel. To add a story, click on ‘CUSTOMIZE CHANNEL’ located at the top right corner of the YouTube channel’s homepage. Go to the ‘About’ tab and add your description.

Verified Channel

In this way, you are ready to upload your first video on YouTube. Still, there are many things to take care of before uploading the first video. It would be better if you have your channel verified. To verify your channel, go to the settings page of your channel and click on ‘Status and features.’ You can find the ‘Verify’ button just below your YouTube Channel name, click on it. Choose the way you want to verify your account. Choose the desired and then enter the OTP you have received. Your channel is now verified! 

Click on ‘YOUTUBE STUDIO’ situated at the top right corner of your YouTube homepage. In the bottom left corner, you can find the ‘Settings’ menu, click on it. Go to the channel tab and add as many keywords as you can, which is related to your topic. In the branding tab, add the desired watermark for your YouTube channel to increase brand awareness and channel recognition.

Upload Frequently

To gain more subscribers, you need to add videos frequently on your channel. Taking a lot of time between uploading two videos might result in losing subscribers. To achieve more views on videos, it would be better to add suitable hashtags as well as keywords to your video. You are now ready to go with your very own YouTube channel. All the best!  

Known for his amazing writing and technical blogging skills, Edward Thompson is the admin of the Techenger. Joined back in 2019, after moving from San Francisco to Chicago to switch from his role of staff writer to a guest blogger. Since then, he never looked back to his past. In nutshell, he is a tech enthusiast who loves to write, read, test, evaluate, and spread knowledge about the growing technology that surrounds mankind.

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