How to Organize A Technical Support Service In Your Company

How to Organize A Technical Support Service In Your Company

Satisfied customers are regular customers. By creating a product or service, you expect that it will benefit people and that customers will stay with you for a long time. But everything does not always go according to plan: users may have questions, difficulties and problems when using the product, causing distrust and dissatisfaction. Ultimately, this can lead to the loss of customers. To prevent this, you need a quick response tool – a technical support service. 

You can also employ a dedicated customer support team, such as IT Support London in your company to get better customer satisfaction. 

Why Do You Need Technical Support?

It would seem that the answer is on the surface – to solve user problems. This, of course is so but let’s return to the wording of the question: why do you need a support service? Is it good for the business, or is it an extra expense for the benefit of users?

We assure you: there is benefit and it is real. Thanks to the technical support service, you:

Learn more about your product or service.

No matter how long and carefully the product has been worked out, in any case, you look at it only from your side. The user’s perspective may differ; not all selected solutions will be clear, convenient and useful for him. Through the support team, you will receive questions, reports of problems, sometimes complaints and negative reviews – and this is a great value for the product and the business in general. This information can and should be used for further development. By the way, these support services can replace long-term testing, focus groups and other additional research.

Increase your sales.

On the one hand, there is an indirect effect: the business will not lose customers due to problems with the use of the product or poor service. On the other hand, the support team can directly influence sales by advising on additional options, new products, etc.

Improve your reputation.

An important role for technical support is to resolve problems before they become serious problems. Bad experiences in the age of social media and referral services can be widespread and costly. Conversely, positive feedback from real users is a great marketing investment.

When Do You Need To Think About Organizing Technical Support?

Another difficult question is related to the timing: how to understand that the product needs an independent, systematically organized support service?

There are two options here.

1. The need to organize technical support is obvious right away, at the stage of product design. For complex technical products, the quality of service directly affects the loyalty and engagement of users and the number of sales. Work on the creation of technical support is carried out in parallel with the development of the product.

2. The problem occurred after launching the product. Signals can be different:
With an increase in the number of users, the flow of requests increased, their processing began to take too much time from employees;

The sales department receives a lot of feedback that it is difficult to get an answer to a question, to solve a problem. Negative reviews appear in the open space, the reputation of the service is deteriorating, sales are falling.

Known for his amazing writing and technical blogging skills, Edward Thompson is the admin of the Techenger. Joined back in 2019, after moving from San Francisco to Chicago to switch from his role of staff writer to a guest blogger. Since then, he never looked back to his past. In nutshell, he is a tech enthusiast who loves to write, read, test, evaluate, and spread knowledge about the growing technology that surrounds mankind.

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