Top 10 Summarizing Tools To Help You Present Big Ideas In Short

Top 10 Summarizing Tools To Help You Present Big Ideas In Short

Are you a bibliophile who makes an extra effort in reading long articles to get the maximum ideas out of it?

People are moving at a fast pace, and you have to fasten your seat belts to outrun your pursuers. 

Reading for the sake of learning has manifold benefits like skill-building, lifestyle upgrade, and many others.

Sparing time to read is a good habit, but you should understand that it’s the ideas that enlighten you and not the words.

So, why waste your time in book worming when you have an alternative way to grab ideas.

Create a summary of your text!

Nevertheless, summary making is not a piece of cake unless you use a summarizing tool

This article will entail the art of summary making, how online tools can help in it, and the best tool available.

What does summary making mean?

A summary is a short form of any long piece of writing, an article, a book chapter, or a passage. 

Summary making is an art that you can harness but with practice. With that said, I have added some do’s and don’ts of summary making for better understanding.

Do’s of summary making:

First of all, your summary is teeming with all the important ideas of the original text. In other words, it should be comprehensive. Likewise,

  1. It must contain the main points.
  2. It has a short length than the original text.
  3. You should write it in your own words.

Don’t’s of a summary:

  1. Avoid using quotations.
  2. Don’t add explanations
  3. Avoid facts and figures.
  4. Don’t use of first-person.

Make summary with online summarizing tools:

As already said, you can create a summary of your text with a summarizer.

 On the other hand, sometimes your summary does not have all the ideas despite taking much time to write it. For that matter, you are missing something- you lack the skill of condensing an article. In consequence, you need an automatic tool that provides you the crux of your text.

What are the 10 best summarizing tools?

Summarizing tool:

Summary generator is an online tool that takes out the essential ideas of your text and combines in to form an abstract of your text. Mainly, it can trim 3 to 4 passages into a single one. Moreover, that passage contains most crucial points.

Students, bloggers, and content marketers use this tool because it encompasses the needs of all. In addition, it has some striking features that you won’t see in any other tool. 

It helps you set summary length. For instance, its inbuilt scale allows you to set the summarization percentage. 

In addition, you can create bullet points of your text, provided you need to make presentations.

Likewise, you can analyze your text through its best lines and sentence option that ranks it and gives it numbers according to its best idea.


It is also a text summary generator that reduces chunks of text to several facts or main points. Likewise, its motto is” just the facts,” which relates to a summary-making tool’s working.

Actually, it scans your text, checks the semantically sound lines, and joins then to form a compact passage.

It shows the summary above the original text in blue background.

Sassbook AI Summarizer:

It is an AI-based summarizer that creates a gist of your content like a human. It moreover does rephrasing where needed. As a result, your text gives a feel of human-level summarization.

Logically, it works in two different modes. Such as, you can select an abstractive or extractive method to get an abstract of your choice. In addition, you can choose a target number of words for your summary.

Summarize Article Generator:

Professionals often use Summarize article generator to get a skimmed version of their text.  This tool comes with a number of features. These options include a summarization threshold that tells the intensity of your text. Additionally, you can lock the number of lines, characters, and best line of your text.

Furthermore, it gives the number of keywords in the text to let you know about words frequency.

With that said, there is a word limit for the free auto summary tool; however, you can gain full access through paid option.

Online Summary Generation Tool:

Standout Essay’s online summary generation tool is suitable for students who need different types of summaries like abstract, conclusion, or resume. This abstractor extracts the key features and gives you an eloquent abstract.              

Nevertheless, it has a word limit to a small number of words. You can only summarize 13000 characters for free.

Summary Generator: gives a summary generator that crops the main points of your text into a well-written summary. It is a simple to use tool that squeezes the right content juice from your text.

Moreover, it gives a summary in different words as compared to the original text. Also, a good thing about this tool is that it has no word limit, so you can use this tool to summarize an article of your wish.

You can also regulate the length of your summary with a percentage of your choice.

Get Digest:

Get digest is also a text trimming tool that intelligently reduces your text with some added features. 

For example, it gives the result in real-time, so you do not have to click anywhere or wait for results. Likewise, it provides a summary along with the keywords of your text.

You can use this tool to download your summary results.

Open Text Summarizer:

The Open text summarizer identifies the most important parts of a text. This tool can create abstracts in different languages with precision. You can either paste the text of add URL in it. 

Moreover, it gives you the option to select summary ratio and percentage.

However, you cannot download your summary results.


Smmary is an efficient summarizing tool to make briefs of your text in seconds. It has a wonderful option of selecting the number of sentences for your summary.    

It gives you the benefits of summarizing your text up to your decided length. You can also upload a text file or paste a URL for summarization.


It is also a summarizer that makes precis of your text instantly. It is a general-purpose tool that gives keyword extraction and a list of best lines. 

It supports different file extensions and audio summarization. However, you cannot use it without logging into Facebook or slack.


You can use the tools mentioned above to get the best summaries of your text. Now, summary making becomes easy with these online tools. 

Known for his amazing writing and technical blogging skills, Edward Thompson is the admin of the Techenger. Joined back in 2019, after moving from San Francisco to Chicago to switch from his role of staff writer to a guest blogger. Since then, he never looked back to his past. In nutshell, he is a tech enthusiast who loves to write, read, test, evaluate, and spread knowledge about the growing technology that surrounds mankind.

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