Everything There Is To Know About Automated Testing

Everything There Is To Know About Automated Testing

Your team has just finished developing a mobile app and is ready to take it to market. You’re confident that your product reaches the highest usability, functionality, security, and performance standards. There’s no need for testing, right? Not quite. Software testing is a necessary step to ensure the quality and security of your products. 

There are two kinds of testing: manual and automated. Manual testing involves a team running tests to catch any errors, while automated testing uses algorithms. With the increase in the scale and scope of testing in DevOps, the need for automated testing is greater than ever.Visit here; Automation testing services.

What is test automation?

Automated testing is the practice of running tests automatically. They are used to execute test scripts on a software application. The tests are carried out using testing software which frees up time and resources during the testing process. This allows you to test software quality more efficiently and at a lower cost. 

QA professionals have started to use automated testing because it allows them to: 

  • Create a set of tests they can reuse again and again. 
  • Deploy tests 24/7 and speed up product launches. 
  • Reduce cost by debugging and catching problems early on. 
  • Ensure test coverage throughout development.

How is test automation changing the world?

Automation is advancing at a rapid pace, not only in QA testing but in daily life. From voice tech to self-driving cars, the technology we use is becoming increasingly automated to make our lives simpler.

Automated testing is continuing to improve the quality of QA testing and is a huge time saver versus manual testing in the right situations. As it stands, writing test cases requires ongoing human intervention. And to yield the best results, test cases must be an ongoing collaboration between developers and testers (in-house and externally).

“The pace of progress is remarkable… Robots will be able to do everything better than us.”

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Inc. and SpaceX

Regardless of the product or service, the key advantages of automation can be summed up by the following:

  • increased output
  • increased speed
  • improved quality
  • reduced costs

But how does automation translate to the world of software testing? Click here to learn how to implement test automation for the first time.

Limitations of automated testing

As it stands, carrying out 100% automated testing is very difficult. By nature, automated tests are limited to the test cases that are written for them. They aren’t able to test any bugs outside of this scope.

A self-checkout machine in a supermarket can be a time efficiency. But when it needs a human to step in and make a decision for it, e.g., to ascertain whether a customer is over the legal drinking age, it loses one of its main benefits.

Added to this, the implementation and ongoing maintenance of automation require a significant investment of time and money.

A common misconception of automation is that it eliminates the human element completely. But who writes the test cases or scripts? Automated testing requires human input to function. This is why any software testing strategy should take an integrated approach. 

Known for his amazing writing and technical blogging skills, Edward Thompson is the admin of the Techenger. Joined back in 2019, after moving from San Francisco to Chicago to switch from his role of staff writer to a guest blogger. Since then, he never looked back to his past. In nutshell, he is a tech enthusiast who loves to write, read, test, evaluate, and spread knowledge about the growing technology that surrounds mankind.

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