Best Ways to Start Converting Your Social Media Followers

Best Ways to Start Converting Your Social Media Followers

So far, you’ve most likely created several social media accounts for your ecommerce business, working hard to attract new followers and keep them interested in your content. However, even if you have a decent following and a good amount of likes and shares, the real work still lies ahead. You need your followers to do more than like what you share.

You want them to buy from you and come back for more. Converting your social media followers into paying customers is a process that calls for a good strategy and dedication, and here’s what you need to do to carry it out successfully.

Stay present and consistent, no matter what

No matter how quality your content is or how attentive your community managers are, if your brand’s social media presence varies, you stand to lose a lot of interest you’ve worked so hard to generate.

Presence matters in every aspect of social media use: creating interesting posts and engaging stories, sharing educational and inspiring content, as well as responding to comments and messages your profiles receive.

Consistency shows dedication to your brand’s image and care for your followers, so never neglect to check in with your audience.

Provide good customer support on social media

Every business activity, from selling physical products to providing the college paper writing service online, benefits from solid social media engagement—if the team behind your profiles is responsive and sales-oriented.

The support your community managers provide extends further than answering direct questions. Enthusing your followers to buy is a delicate process.

Send a direct message to every new follower, thanking them for showing an interest in your brand. Offer to answer any of their questions, provide information about ongoing promotional activities and prices and offer a discount for first-time buyers.

“Be present and prepared to engage whenever a potential buyer reaches out. Never leave their inquiries unanswered for long: they’re more likely to contact your competitors than to wait for your reply for hours.” – says Jake Gardner, marketing specialist and thesis writer at Australian Writing.

When promoting, follow the 80/20 rule

When creating content for social media, remember the golden rule. It should, as a whole, be able to entertain, provoke emotion, educate, and/or inspire your target audience.

Still, be careful not to get lost along the way. The real goal of all content created for a business is to convert, so you need to be able to promote your goods or services in the process as well.

When presenting what your business sells, follow the 80/20 rule: no more than 20% of your content should be direct promotion. Social media accounts created for brands who stuff their feeds with products, offers, and “salesy” content are rarely popular and successful.

Invest in paid advertising on social media

Paid advertising is a powerful tool that can help you reach new people on social media, so don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Analyze your content to see which type of content generates a lot of attention, and promote posts and stories that people respond to best.

“It will take a few tries to get a hang of what works, but crafting an effective strategy will surely pay off in the long run.” – says Jake Gardner, marketing specialist at essay writing service uk and professional writer service.

Make it easy for your followers to buy

A popular ecommerce social media account will quickly disappoint if there’s no convenience for its followers to proceed to the checkout. Luckily, with social commerce tools and integrations available these days, this issue has become a lot easier to deal with.

Also, make sure to write clear call-to-action sections and use shoppable posts, so followers can transition to purchasing from platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Known for his amazing writing and technical blogging skills, Edward Thompson is the admin of the Techenger. Joined back in 2019, after moving from San Francisco to Chicago to switch from his role of staff writer to a guest blogger. Since then, he never looked back to his past. In nutshell, he is a tech enthusiast who loves to write, read, test, evaluate, and spread knowledge about the growing technology that surrounds mankind.

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