Laser Marking on Metal Components

Laser Marking on Metal Components

Before attempting laser marking on metal components, there are some things you should keep in mind. The surface of the component may have already been processed in some way. This may have included additional heat treatments, machining, and more. These extra processes leave surface deposits that will interfere with laser marking. Here are some ways to avoid these surface deposits. Listed below are some tips to ensure the best results. And keep reading to discover the benefits of CO2 laser marking visit this website


In laser marking on metal components, the process is referred to as annealing. It involves altering the surface properties of the material to achieve a distinctive marking. This is achieved through the oxidation process, in which the laser heats the material to an appropriate temperature, releasing hydrogen and oxygen. The result is a darkened, legible mark. The process is ideal for steel and most plastics containing carbon molecules. Depending on the type of material, carbonising will produce a smooth finish.

Laser marking on metal components involves a focused laser beam that changes the surface of the target material. In contrast to ink-based marking, this type of mark is resistant to abrasion. Moreover, the laser marking is permanent, not fading. Laser marking is one of the most advanced processes of marking. This technique allows users to control the intensity and duration of the laser beam. As a result, laser marking is more versatile than other marking processes.


There are several types of laser marking processes. The foaming process is a popular one, because it creates gas bubbles on the surface of the component, changing the color of the material. This process also changes the refraction properties of light, so it is usually used for plastics. In this method, the laser marks the component at a higher elevation than the base material. Using a high-power laser, the mark remains visible after the material is cooled.

The etching method uses a heat source to burn or otherwise alter the surface. This can also include adding lighter markings to create contrast. Anodizing is another technique. Metals are treated by a process called annealing. In annealing, the laser heat causes molecules under the surface to gain or lose electrons. This process changes the surface color of the material but does not change its texture. Foaming laser marking is another type of laser marking. It uses a chemical reaction to create a gas bubble. This gas then absorbs light and creates a dark mark.


If you’re looking for a unique way to customize a metal part, consider etching laser marks on it. While laser engraving creates a permanent mark, etching is more suitable for artistic products. Depending on the material, laser etching can leave a shallow mark up to 0.001 inch deep. For small-volume production, engraving is the best option. But if you have a high-volume requirement, laser etching might be a better choice.

Lasers emit specific wavelengths, so when etching metal, the metal must absorb enough energy to melt the material. CO2 and fiber lasers emit different wavelengths. Fiber lasers are more efficient for marking metals, while CO2 lasers generate a bluer beam. CO2 lasers are more expensive than fiber lasers, so they’re more expensive. A fiber laser will produce a softer mark than a CO2 laser, and a fiber laser is compatible with almost any vector software.

CO2 lasers

CO2 lasers are excellent for marking metal components, but they aren’t the best choice for every application. They produce high levels of heat, which distort mirrors, and reduce the amount of power that reaches the cutting head. Other problems associated with CO2 lasers include misalignment of the laser beam, which requires adjustment of cutting parameters. Finally, misaligned laser beams can damage oscillators. Maintenance of a CO2 laser cutting head can take up to four hours a week, while fiber lasers require less than half an hour.

In CO2 laser marking, metals must be coated with a special agent that reflects the wavelength of the CO2 laser. The laser must be operated at low speed to avoid washing off the marking agent. This process can be problematic if the metal’s coating is not adhered well to the marking agent. Using a CO2 laser to mark metals requires special software. Besides, CO2 laser marking machines are expensive and energy-intensive. For this reason, manufacturers should look at the CO2 laser marking machine’s operating costs before buying one.

Fiber lasers

A fiber laser is a type of laser that produces the same wavelengths on different types of materials. In contrast to the other types of lasers, fiber lasers are more efficient because they do not create mechanical pressure. As a result, these lasers are best for laser marking on smaller components, such as crystal oscillators and capacitors. In this fast-paced world, efficiency, safety, and quality are critical for manufacturers. Even laptops and televisions are made of tiny substances. Fortunately, fiber lasers are effective on tiny components, allowing you to create high contrast labels on a variety of materials.

A fiber laser is the most common type of laser marking on metal components. Its pulsating wavelengths allow it to mark a variety of different materials, including metal. It is also highly versatile, enabling it to be used on a wide variety of materials. Unlike CO2 lasers, fiber lasers can create a high-quality, lasting mark on virtually any surface. The marking process requires the removal of some material, so be sure to consider the type of metal you are working with before buying a laser marking machine.

Known for his amazing writing and technical blogging skills, Edward Thompson is the admin of the Techenger. Joined back in 2019, after moving from San Francisco to Chicago to switch from his role of staff writer to a guest blogger. Since then, he never looked back to his past. In nutshell, he is a tech enthusiast who loves to write, read, test, evaluate, and spread knowledge about the growing technology that surrounds mankind.

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