How Does the Personnel 360 Appraisal System Work?

How Does the Personnel 360 Appraisal System Work?

People usually don’t know exactly what it is about their behavior that annoys or delights others. The leader also does not always know what opinion about the subordinate has developed in the team. One of the best methods in the world management and HR practice, which allows solving these problems, is the assessment of employees using the “360 appraisal system” method. Here are the basic rules of the method and an example of a questionnaire. 

Practice shows that people usually do not know exactly what exactly in their behavior irritates or delights others. The inability to see oneself from the outside and the difference in behavior in different social roles and at different levels hinders the development of not only employees, but also managers. The leader also does not always know what opinion about the subordinate has developed in the team.

One of the best methods in the world management and HR practice, which allows solving these problems, is the assessment of employees using the “360 degrees” method. The name reflects the essence of the method: it allows you to evaluate the employee from all sides (in a circle that represents 360 degrees). Ideally, the list of graders looks like this:

  • The employee himself, who evaluates himself according to the given criteria and questions;
  • The immediate supervisor of the employee;
  • Colleagues of the employee or managers, but not the immediate supervisor;
  • Subordinates (if any).

As a result, a person can clearly correlate self-assessment with external assessment, as well as compare the results of assessment at different levels. In this case, his immediate supervisor can also receive useful information.

The main purpose of the assessment

Our goal is to compare our own subjective assessment with subjective assessments at different levels: to understand how they see us from the outside. This will allow you to come to an awareness of your strengths and weaknesses, comparing self-esteem with the opinions of others. After all, if we do not understand what impression our actions, habits, character traits, attitude to the world make on others, we cannot effectively develop.

Think back to your impressions when you first heard your voice on a recording or saw yourself on video. As a rule, people are shocked. The impressions are negative, we don’t like ourselves. However, we repeatedly looked in the mirror and heard our own voice, but those around us see and hear differently.

We tend to see ourselves the way we want, to overlook something, to focus on something pleasant. Continuing the topic of video or voice recording, we can say that when you stopped annoying yourself in the recording, then you have learned to adequately see yourself from the outside.

How to design and conduct a survey

Let’s start at the end – by conducting a survey. It must fully guarantee the anonymity of the respondents, otherwise their answers may be insincere and another problem may arise – the search for those who gave negative assessments.

Our experience shows that this happens often and ends in conflicts. It is very important that confidentiality guarantees are given to employees before filling out the questionnaire.

Known for his amazing writing and technical blogging skills, Edward Thompson is the admin of the Techenger. Joined back in 2019, after moving from San Francisco to Chicago to switch from his role of staff writer to a guest blogger. Since then, he never looked back to his past. In nutshell, he is a tech enthusiast who loves to write, read, test, evaluate, and spread knowledge about the growing technology that surrounds mankind.

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