We, sadly, see some very tedious websites online these days. When a financial website is created well and updated regularly with fresh content, it stands from the crowd.
Websites are fast becoming the first touchpoint linking a brand and its clients, whether they go to find out about the company, check out some fund, or learn more about it. You’ll want to turn these visits into a complicated database of ideas that have an actual interest in what you can provide.
“Sounds great!” we hear you ask; what next?
Here are some essential website tips below to get your website up to scratch and put yourself ahead of your competitors.
- Responsive – Mobile is here to stay.
Often it seems you need to constantly resize and scroll around an unresponsive webpage.
The situation probably sounds familiar. You’ve just heard about a firm and choose to give them a quick Google on your mobile or tablet. You go to the homepage. You look at the ‘About’ section and desire to learn more. But the buttons are too tiny to tap. You tap the wrong button. You go back and click again. And again.
At last, you finally manage. The page you reach is zoomed out to 400%. The struggle is real.
The value of responsive websites is immense. Clients are busy and constantly searching, so your site must be adaptable to all situations. Research shows that if your site is professional-looking and provides a good user experience, it is seen to be more reliable and trustworthy. This directly renders into time users spend on the site and how much data they want to share. If the site is obstructive to use, visitors will navigate away. This means if your website is only optimized for desktop use, you are already eliminating potential business.
In May 2016, the internet came across a bunch of unresponsive websites with the appropriately mentioned “Mobilegeddon.”
Google updated its algorithm to appeal to websites by mobile-friendliness and deleted those that aren’t optimized. This update had a significant impact on search results. If your site isn’t active, it is automatically dropped down the results page.
This could explain our low Google ranking. How do I make my website responsive?
- Videos – Personable Engagement
Visitors are far more liable to watch your 20-second company message than read through various pages of text. Video content is confirmed to increase audience engagement. And as shown, the firms studied showed that less than one in ten companies (9%) took benefit of this digital asset.
Site visitors are not tolerant, and attention spans are tricky to maintain without engaging content; videos help analyze information instantly and efficiently. If the CEO, COO, or Fund Manager is positive, insightful, and a great speaker, let them attain a wider audience and add a particular element to your brand. Work with some wonderful clients who deliver the key messages of their brand using video, which computes quality to their website, and most importantly, they get return visitors.
- CTA? Call to Action!
A Call To Action offers visitors precisely the facility to sign up for a newsletter, get in contact, find out more further, and make the most of your site. Including these necessary buttons is key to engaging chances and acquiring your website goals.
“The original value in a CTA is in its information, placement, and strategy.”
That doesn’t mean stuffing the site with several bright boxes. This will become amazingly unappealing. The actual value in a CTA is in its information, placement, and strategy. They should be creative, applied in the correct context, and targeted to the right audience.
- Minimal is More
The preferred websites are those that reflect a smooth, calm, and licensed brand. You’ll endure easy exploration and engagements that answer to your scroll and clicks. You discover yourself going through each page to attain more. It’s engaging. And often, it’s simple.
Uncomplicated websites are this year’s trend; your website should offer a feasible interface that assists the user experience and encourages visitors to interact.
User interaction and experience (UI/UX) are vital to a website’s design. Assuming the user journey, established practice, and directing focus in the right places will promote your site and encourage more users.
- Visuals & Icons
Avoid poor quality stock images.
Find images that promote your name and key messaging. Your uniqueness is your traffic point. This can be quite a time-consuming task sometimes, but we promise it’s worth mounting up this image library. Visuals on your site will make the content more interactive and help split up the text, and these same pictures can also be used consistently across all your media and marketing bonds.
“Find imagery that promotes your brand and key messaging.”
Visuals and icons help stabilize a brand style and increase its value perception. Imagine getting this far down this very post without the accompanying graphics? Hopefully, you’ve found the content thought-provoking and valuable, and including the graphics has given it an added dimension.
- Secure sites and Logins – the FSA of the web
There’s no pretext for financial service websites to have insecure logins or little-to-no security.
Even now, a time of financial assent and regulations, we still see those small red padlocks intimating the site is not verified or secure to visit. These sites won’t open on some browsers, and your clients will see a failure message. That could mean a great chance missed.
Websites are complicated to build and run, and keeping up to date with the latest trends and advances is an ongoing task.
Suppose you’ve applied most, or all these essential points, great. You have a well-designed and maintained website. If not, it’s time to make these crucial changes and leverage the most from your website investment.
Author Bio:
Ankita Kaushal is working as a blogger for Veronica Karas. Veronica Karas is a Certified Financial Planner in NY. She helps with Complex financial issues like stock options, estate planning, tax & financial planning and more. Get in touch with her now for any assistance regarding Financial planning.