Internal Links Have the Power To Make or Break Your SEO Strategy

Internal Links Have the Power To Make or Break Your SEO Strategy

Search engine optimization is a practice that ensures that your website appears high in search engine ranking, garnering more users. Modern marketers understand its significance and constantly strive hard to bring their website up in the rankings. SEO landscape continues to evolve, and many strategies which worked in the past may not be very effective today. Marketers need to keep up with the ongoing trends and be innovative to reserve a spot on the initial SERP search engine results page. 

The Internet is all about links, and these URLs navigate users from one webpage to another. Marketers can use these links to attract more users’ attention. Internal linking is an important SEO strategy, but often marketers focus on other SEO components and ignore this significant aspect.   

Internal Linking

As the name implies, internal linking links a web page’s content with either some other websites or different pages of the same website. It works as a source to direct users to specific web pages, and marketers can use this technique to bring more people to their websites. Marketers commonly use these links for primary navigation and leverage them to lay in more users to their webpages. The outlook of internal links constantly changes. While the process of hyperlinking may appear simple, it has got more to it. Marketers need to be vigilant in internal linking SEO  tactics. Careless use of internal linking may bombard their page with links but fail to attract users. Sometimes marketers do not pay attention and do not realize that the cause of the mediocre performance of their website is poorly structured internal links. 

Significance of Internal Linking in SEO

Business owners need to understand that their websites are an interconnection of pages. When it comes to web pages, it comes down to two crucial factors:

  • the website itself;
  • the connection that the website holds, internal links

Internal links are powerful and can change the game of SEO for companies. Another benefit of SEO is that it makes the website user-friendly. That works in favor of companies as users become a source of word-of-mouth marketing. Internal linking is essential for businesses that want to maximize their success. A robust online presence has become an integral component of modern marketing. 

When people want to find answers to their issues, they either type in a search bar or use voice search to hunt for solutions, as search engines have become go-to places for simple questions. Although Search engine algorithms keep changing, and new things continue to come to the fore, several elements stay the same. While displaying results, search engines consider numerous aspects, and internal linking helps search engines determine them. The critical questions that search engines view as a result of a search are:

  • how much value a website holds
  • Is it relevant to the query?
  • relationship between similar websites

Contrary to popular belief, internal linking is still very relevant and can make or break a company’s SEO technique. Savvy marketers use intelligent and trendy internal lining methods to improve their SEO, consequently boosting search engine ranking. The following are some techniques that can help marketers:

1 Conducting a Site Audit

Marketing experts cannot emphasize enough the significance of websites’ audits. They say that it gives an in-depth insight into websites’ performance. Moreover, it helps pinpoint the improvement areas, and marketers can utilize this information to turn their weak areas into strengths. Auditing websites bring a clear picture to the surface. Marketers can spot the broken links, which may be a reason for a website’s poor performance. Many a time, interlinked web pages change addresses or remove the content. When a user clicks on the hyperlinked text, it directs them to the ‘error’ page and harms its SEO.

Furthermore, it becomes a reason for a user to switch to your competitor’s website, leading to your loss. The website’s audit helps diagnose broken, dead links. It provides you with a list of webpages that have mentioned you without interlinking your address. You can take advantage of website audits and contact these websites to convert your mentions into links. 

2 Linking Authentic yet Relevant Websites

Search engines direct users to your webpage because their search matches your niches. Most of the time, users land on a webpage because of a connection. You must ensure that you interlink reliable and relevant websites to your content, as doing otherwise may not benefit your SEO in any way. Search engines’ algorithms can recognize if the website is appropriate or not and link authentic. Related content helps websites improve their rankings. 

3 Enhancing Website’s Hierarchy

Setting an internal link strategy may seem complicated, but it can do wonders and improve your website’s hierarchy. The first step is to get a command on the website structure, and you can do that by performing a simulated crawl.  As per excerpts’ suggestion, internal linking needs to be intuitive so that users can easily trigger down into a webpage’s core pages. To improve hierarchy, you should distribute the links in a descending manner so that unique links are on the essential page and your website as a whole earns a reliability badge. 

4 Hyperlinking Right-targeted Keywords 

Hyperlinking keywords may appear as an understood technique as it is common knowledge. However, many marketers misunderstand the concept of anchor text and end up hyperlinking unimportant words. The secret is to use advanced Internet tools and determine right-targeted keywords. Modern users prefer voice search over text search, and when they speak, they use more words. Hyperlinking right-targeted long-tail vital words can be an effective internal linking technique and improve the website’s ranking. 

5 Keeping Blogs Natural and Unique

Content is the fundamental component of a website. It is the driving factor that can navigate users to and from websites. Marketers can ensure that they publish unique and informative content and hyperlink accordingly. Users can find mediocre content anywhere. When marketers interlink unique content, users find it attractive and prefer it over other websites.


Internal linking is not dead, and applying intelligent internal linking techniques can do wonders to improve a website’s ranking. Business owners often do not have an insight into the marketing world, and they believe in every kind of news. Marketers can make them aware of the benefit of internal linking. Convince them to venture into internal linking to reap its benefits by garnering more users and enhancing websites’ ranking. 

Known for his amazing writing and technical blogging skills, Edward Thompson is the admin of the Techenger. Joined back in 2019, after moving from San Francisco to Chicago to switch from his role of staff writer to a guest blogger. Since then, he never looked back to his past. In nutshell, he is a tech enthusiast who loves to write, read, test, evaluate, and spread knowledge about the growing technology that surrounds mankind.

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